We are committed to nurturing and empowering what we see as our richest resource: our people. We are dedicated to the recruitment and development of a motivated, diverse, talented workforce that will work together to achieve our vision. Every member of our staff is a crucial part of our present and future success, and we rely upon the passion, initiative and hard work of every individual to deliver our corporate goals.
The Sheet Metal Mechanic will be responsible to perform all required work in accordance with approved technical data, QR standards and procedures; meeting the highest shop practices and safety to provide operational results as set by the unit. Responsible for the completion of any assigned tasks within frame work of procedures and set timeframes by performing effectively within an environment of time constraints and a high level of technical competency.
Physical Abi Li t i Es
ability to lift, and move objects
- iv . Eye hand coordination/ precision/dexterity
ability to do activities that requires the simultaneous use of his/her hands and eyes
M e c h a nic a l Skill s :
H e/she must have good mechanical skills to operate and use equipment, such as but not limited to, Band Saw, Shear Machines, Drill Press, Ovens, etc. to do their job
Additional Technical Requirement
- Performed Heat treatment of rivets and structural parts
- Able to use precision measuring tools
- Perform trimming, and cutting composite materials
- Examine finished product for defects
- Maintain equipment and tools
- Working with sealants
- Must have knowledge on CDCCL when relevant.
- Must have knowledge on EWIS when relevant.
- Able to use Airbus AirNav and Boeing Toolbox
- Able to confirm proper accomplishment of Structural tasks.
- Able to properly process removed, uninstalled and rejected parts
- Abl e t o p e r f o r m sh e et m etal s t a n d a r d p r a c t i ces:
- Trimming and cutting
- Bend
- Forming (single or multi-curvature)
- Sanding, Blending and Burnishing
- Drilling, Reaming & Countersinking
- Spot-facing
- Anodizing
S o c i al & M a n a g e ment S ki l l s
- Must be able to work in a team.
Technical Training
- Sheet Metal Training
- General Training : MOE & company procedures , M9, M10 4, Form 1 ,CDCCL , EWIS, Human Factors in maintenance, SMS, HSE
Must have a certificate/diploma of vocational degree and Three (3) experience in sheet metal repairs on aircraft / component
Must have 5 years or more of aircraft structure experience
Must have an OJT training certificate from a recognized organization to demonstrate his structural work experience on legacy Airbus fleet and Boeing fleet
Must have performed standard and complex structural sheet metal repairs