· Receive Sales Orders and update accordingly the status on the market list
· Inform Sales Representatives once SO is released to confirm compliance with original order
· Prepare shipment schedule and prioritize based on dispatching date and requested delivery date
· Share schedule with invoicing, logistics, and production
· Send breakdown to Finishing and Packaging Line Supervisor to ensure accuracy in processing ready orders for packing list
· Send email to update Sales members with the exact dates of dispatching orders/ shipping dates from Lebanon, and the related airwaybill number and the packing list.
· For local orders, inform Billing Officer about ready to ship orders to prepare the invoice, and the Administration Director to plan the delivery date accordingly.
· Inform sales in case any sample is sent in the shipment, or any missing item,
· Follow up with clients and/or Sales representatives regarding the payment terms and collections for each order before shipping
· Ensure that all data related to orders is correct on the Portal, and report discrepancies to IT Project Manager
· Participate in weekly meetings and provide information related to urgent orders